On 9 November 2011, Silat Seni Gayong Ireland was invited by UL Taekwando Club for Inrtoduction Silat Seni Gayong Seminar. The seminar was conducted at Press Building, University of Limerick start 9.00pm and ended at 10.40pm.
The seminar runs smoothly and started with introductions of Silat Seni Gayong and continue with basic movements. There are some of techniques that we can apply for avoid, block, defence and counter attacks. It is very simple and everybody can do it. Some 'buah' for bare-handed and knife also shared in this seminar. Even this seminar just run for 1 hour and 40 minutes, a lot of knowledges has been shared for all participants.

Many thanks to president and committee member UL Taekwando Club for invitation and cooperation for the success of this seminar. Hopefully can meet again and will share more knowledges together in the future.
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